Kaelan Cooter

I'm a software engineer living in Boston, Massachusetts and a recent college graduate. I enjoy creating things and going places. I like exploring the unknown and pushing the limits of my knowledge. I enjoy tackling interesting technical challenges and working with the latest technologies.


Northeastern University - September 2011 - May 2016
College of Computer and Information Science
Five year program with three coops
Major in Computer Science
Minor in History


LogRocket - March 2017 - Present
Software Engineer
Developing groundbreaking developer tools that record user sessions so they can be played back later by the developer to facilitate resolving bugs.

Hubspot - May 2016 - March 2017
Software Engineer
Worked on the frontend as a service team developing web applications and tools for HubSpot developers. Primary projects include the internal frontend build system and package manager.

Drift - February 2016 - May 2016
Software Engineer
Helped improve the customer experience when using the Drift chat application.

HourlyNerd - January 2015 - February 2016
Software Engineer Co-op
Worked on the front-end side of the HourlyNerd Enterprise application for over a year. Helped institute infrastructure overhauls and multi-month efforts to switch the codebase from Coffeescript to ES6 and the build infrastructure to webpack.

PayPal - January 2014 - June 2014
Software Engineer Co-op
Developed an Angular application that allowed businesses to create targeted offers (coupons) for the PayPal Here mobile application.

Compete - January 2013 - June 2013
Software Engineer Co-op
Worked on their front-end analytical application and helped design interactive visualizations to help understand large amounts of data.

Novartis - May 2012 - December 2012
Software Engineer Intern
Worked on their front-end analytical application for research scientists and helped design interactive visualizations to help understand large amounts of data. Helped work on a table that allowed the user to quickly filter between over a million rows.
